3 October 2005


I just reviewed the Advanced of this month.

The first topic of this month is "Overcoming, Overcommitment".

"Overcommitment"! I think it's really important to the modern

people, especially to me.

It's really hard to say "no" to others, even if you face the families

or my dear adviser. I always worry about that if I say "no" what they

will think about me. Do they think "oh! Tiffany is so selfish!" or

"She just thinks about her business!"? Besides, I also consider that

I can do it in the future. But the fact is -

I never have time to deal with what I commit

or just do the job badly!

The teachers in this lesson said something right.


It's not our obligation to promise and deal with relatives'

everything! And this's really the chance to communicate with others.

Let them know "It is not my resposibility to promise to help you."

SO! Everyone, just say "no"

if you really can't deal with immediately.

Don't believe that "I can do it in the future."

Sometimes, you will never have enough time in the future

to finish the words.

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